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How does a PET CT scan work?

The PET CT is a device that combines two imaging technologies, the PET (Positron Emission Tomography) and the TAC (Computed Tomography).

This article provides information about the PET CT scan process: what to take into consideration and results.


How should I prepare for a PET CT Scan?

  • The day before the exam, the patient is asked to maintain a low-carbohydrate diet. The foregoing with the purpose of maintaining regular glucose levels at the time of the PET CT SCAN in order to provide a clear view and therefore detect tumors.
  • The day of the test, the patient is asked to abstain from eating anything for at least four hours prior to the test.


During the PET CT SCAN

  • Once the radioactive material has been injected into the patient, the patient shall not experience any pain whatsoever. A doses of 1 cubic cm or 2 cubic cm of this material is administered. Doses are designed to avoid causing any harm whatsoever to the patient.
  • Afterwards, the patient is placed in an isolated room for an hour in order to allow the substance to distribute throughout the body.
  • The patient is asked to relax, since anxiety can cause the material to concentrate in muscles due to tension, which will end in inaccurate results.
  • After one hour has elapsed the patient is placed on the scanner bed,and the machine begins to scan both images.
  • The patient is asked to remove all metal objects such as necklaces, earrings, rings, etc. in order to avoid confusion with the patient’s structure.


After examination is completed

  • The patient is asked to drink lots of water to eliminate the material through urine.
  • Patients are encouraged to continue with their regular daily routines. It is not dangerous to be around other persons.


PET CT Results

Data acquired from the scans is processed and both images are analyzed separately and afterwards jointly. Results are studied and analyzed taking into consideration the patient’s history and other exams in order to reach a final diagnosis about:

  • Presence or absences of malignant/cancerous tumors
  • Tumor size
  • Tumor Location
  • Tumor Metastasis
  • Behavior of tumor when compared with previous studies (if it grew, gave in, etc.)


Things to consider prior to exam

If patient is in pain due to a medical condition or he/she is extremely nervous, something shall be prescribed to the patient in order help him/her relax and stay still, otherwise the results may turn up inaccurate.

With the purpose of reaching stable levels at time of the scan, Diabetics receive a special treatment since their preparation to control glucose levels takes longer.


If you wish to find cancer detection and treatment options in Monterrey, access the tab titled PET CT SCAN in Monterrey.

You can also find more information in our articles about PET SCAN:



Dr. Jorge Fernández De la Torre, Director of Diagnostic Radiology and Imaging of the Hospital San José